Saturday, July 22, 2017

Warrior Files and Parent Advisory

What does the word warrior mean?
And why the warrior files? 

noun: warrior; plural noun: warriors; noun: warrior pose; plural noun: warrior poses
  1. 1.
    (especially in former times) a brave or experienced soldier or fighter.
    "fearsome warriors"
  2. 2.
    any of a number of standing poses in yoga in which the legs are held apart and the arms are stretched outwards.

While i like a good yoga stretch like any other person, i am most certainly referring to #1. 

So why the warrior files? Because every day i meet people, or witness people fighting a similar fight.



Chronic illness


LIFE with demons. 

And i wanted to create a blog for my work in progress book series of the same name. But that is still strictly under construction.

I need to write. It helps with my demons.

However here is your warning label, i have never taken a college editing or literature class. I have poor spelling and punctuation. If that's a problem for you just don't read. I have more that needs to be said then to have to stop and worry that it isn't formatted correctly. And how the hell can a writer be so horrible with punctuation? Easy, that's what an editor is for, eventually. My main focus is getting these damn thoughts out of my fucking head before they explode.

Your second advisory ***PARENTAL ADVISORY*** I swear, a lot. is it necessary? Maybe not to you but for me yes. Don't like it, don't read. I'm blunt, and i have spent near 30 years of my life sugar coating and editing myself to fit a mold that just broke me. So i don't plan to alter myself for a damn blog. Now if no one reads this thing than whatever, it is what it is. My main goal is to get it out of my head, my hope is that it might help someone even one person through the dark that this life is consuming us all with.

So cheers. 

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